- RTL Group Headquarters, Luxembourg, Schemel & Wirtz Architects
- METRO Group Headquarters complex, Duesseldorf, Germany
- River Plaza Office building, St. Denis | Paris, France
- Office building Skyline, Tillner Willinger with Rahm Architects, Vienna, Austria
- CargoLifter visitors center, SIAT Architekten & Ingenieure, Brand, Germany
- Office building, SKA Sua Kay Architects, Carnaxide, Oeiras | Lisbon, Portugal
- EXPO Plaza, SIAT Architekten & Ingenieure, Hannover, Germany
- AOES Office building, JHK Architects, Noordwijk, Netherlands
- Baker & McKenzie, JHK Architects, Amsterdam, Netherlands
- Office building, MECANOO Architects, Nijmegen, Netherlands
- TNT Headoffice, Ex Interiors Architecten, Hoofddorp, Netherlands
- Office building, Duesseldorf, Germany
- METRO Group Headquarters, Duesseldorf, Germany
- Office building, Schneider Schumacher Architekten, Frankfurt | Main, Germany
- T-Online Headquarters, SIAT Architekten & Ingenieure, Darmstadt, Germany
- SIEMENS Office building, Klapp Bruening Architekten, Bocholt, Germany
- RTL Group Headquarters, Luxembourg, Schemel & Wirtz Architects
- T-Online Headquarters, SIAT Architekten & Ingenieure, Darmstadt, Germany
- RTL Group Headquarters, Luxembourg, Schemel & Wirtz Architects
- PwC PricewaterhouseCoopers, Office building, SKA Sua Kay Architects, Porto, Portugal
- Office and production building, SMO Architects, Cologne, Germany
- Philips Hightech Campus, WY building, JHK Architects, Eindhoven, Netherlands